Vacancies in Korketrekkeren
We need nice and motivated employees for the toboggan rental in Korketrekkeren at Frognerseteren!
Jobs primarily consist of helping customers over the counter with toboggan/sledge hire, associated work and responsibility for routines with closing for the day.
Working hours primarily evenings and weekends.
It is an advantage if you have the certificate.
The applicant must be 18 years of age.
Send application to info@skimoreoslo.no
We look forward to hearing from you! :-)
Application deadline: As soon as possible
Vacant part-time and full-time seasonal positions in the lift department
We need good and motivated employees to drive lifts.
Part-time: Every second weekend in January and February, with the possibility of one evening a week. From March: on-call substitute.
Full-time: Varies between day, evening and weekend work.
The job involves driving chairlifts and ski lifts. Make sure that people get on and off safely. Create a good atmosphere outside. Shovel and dig so the snow cover is at the right height. Be happy to be outside.
The applicant must be 18 years of age and able to speak and understand Norwegian/Swedish
Application deadline: As soon as possible
Send application to info@skimoreoslo.no