Safety rules
The injury prevention work in ALF
Although the extent and risk of injuries in alpine resorts is very modest, the accidents are no less tragic for those affected. Any accident will therefore always be one too many. This is the overall starting point for our work with ski safety.
Safety in the driveway
When it comes to the access (elevator transport), it is the Norwegian Railway Inspectorate (SJT) that supervises Norwegian cable cars.
Safety on the descent
When it comes to the descent, the alpine facility has a responsibility to ensure that people in the facility get down safely and do not get hurt. However, it is important to emphasize that the skier also has a responsibility to ensure that he/she does not injure himself or others by adapting his skiing according to the 10 international Skiing Rules. ALF's alpine betting rules are based on these and were revised at the latest in 2016.
The Directorate for Community Safety and Preparedness (DSB) is the supervisory authority and monitors the alpine facilities' work.
Causes of damage and damage prevention work
Our injury surveys show that the majority of injuries can be blamed on the skier himself.
Most of the accidents are connected with one's own falls. The reasons are faulty equipment, poor skills, poor physical conditions, and not least a clear neglect of the 10 Alpine weather rules.
The damage statistics show that only a few percent of the damage was due to collision with an object, a cause of damage where the plant can be included in any discussion about contributing cause.
Based on the above, ALF divides its injury prevention work into two main areas:
Attitude-creating measures against the public to attack the most important cause of the injuries.
Measures towards the facilities to make them even safer.
Attitude-creating measures towards the public
Free helmet loan
Results from investigations in Hemsedal have estimated that a large part of the head injuries could have been avoided or been less serious by using a helmet.
In collaboration with Gjensidige, ALF has distributed many thousands of helmets for free lending in Norwegian alpine resorts. It is about several hundred thousand "helmet days". We also know that other insurance companies make a positive contribution to this work, while most facilities themselves have also purchased helmets. In several facilities, children under the age of 7 ride for free when wearing a helmet.
Our surveys show that 85% use a helmet when skiing.
Skiing on alpine slopes
Another important injury prevention measure is information about and follow-up of the 10 international rules for Skiing on alpine slopes. If the ski racing rules had been followed, the number of injuries could have been significantly reduced.
At the same time, the alpine weather rules give the ski patrols the best starting point for exercising better control on the descents. ALF has drawn up its own safety signs for terrain parks.
We have also advised our members to check that those who ride snowboards have a proper harness. The safety strap must be attached to the knee and long enough that the board is attached to the body when it is carried/transported.
Measures aimed at the facilities
Security plan
In 1992, ALF prepared a template for a Safety Plan in alpine facilities as an important tool in the damage prevention context. In the Safety Plan, among other things, all the descents are recorded on a map so that all damages can be recorded where they occurred. It provides a good basis for implementing damage prevention measures based on the site of damage, frequency of damage and type of damage. In addition, all security measures must be recorded in a corresponding map.
We take every opportunity to remind member companies of the importance and significance of having their own Security Plan.
Responsibility and safety in descents
ALF has prepared a separate booklet: »Responsibility and safety in descents». The booklet deals with both the skier's and the facility owner's responsibilities in the marked downhill areas. Furthermore, the booklet points out which safety measures are the responsibility of the facility owner in both the marked descents and off-piste.
Internal control system for descents
ALF has prepared an internal control system for the slopes with ongoing risk assessment as a starting point for injury prevention measures.
Safety in connection with training and racing
ALF has prepared a booklet to improve safety in this area. The booklet deals with the responsibilities of the facility owner as well as the coach/race organiser, and which measures must be taken to prevent accidents and injuries.
Ski patrol course
For several years, ALF has conducted courses for the training of personnel for the ski patrols. The ski patrols' tasks are both to take care of and to prevent damage. The latter task has become an increasingly important part of the ski patrols' work. The content of the ski patrol training has been strengthened through an expansion of the course content. The course also covers securing, marking and padding, which is an important part of the facility's security work.
Landslide rescue plan
Because the time aspect is crucial to saving lives, it is of great importance that the facilities get started as quickly as possible with a rough search while waiting for the other rescue teams. Based on experiences from the course, ALF has prepared a proposal for the content of a rescue plan for landslides.
Responsibility in connection with off-piste driving
The responsibilities in connection with off-piste driving are dealt with in more detail by ALF in the booklet "Responsibility and safety in descents."
Avalanche warning system
In collaboration with NVE, a system for avalanche warning (danger scale for avalanches) has been developed.
Technical training
ALF has drawn up written control and maintenance routines for lift operation to ensure the best possible follow-up of control and maintenance work
ALF organizes annual operations manager courses and courses in documented training for operators of preparation machines. SJT is responsible for the operations management exam.
Recommended safety rules
ALF's members have access to recommended guidelines, internal control system and supervisor for safety management, in order to be able to operate in accordance with industry recommendations and current rules.
Security Committee
ALF has its own Ski Safety Committee which continuously works on issues affecting ski safety in the alpine resorts.
The purpose of the injury prevention work is to reduce the number of accidents. We have a clear moral responsibility to prevent human suffering at the same time that safe and secure facilities are the best means of increasing demand for alpine skiing.
The starting point for alpine skiing is speed, excitement and challenges at different levels. Alpine skiing is therefore always associated with a certain risk. Because it is impossible to reduce the risk to zero without simultaneously removing the very starting point for this type of skiing, we have to accept that there is a certain risk.
The person closest to controlling this risk is the skier himself. However, he must then be taught to take responsibility for his skiing both in relation to himself and to others. Neither the industry's injury prevention measures nor new forms of rules and controls will alone be sufficient to prevent injuries on alpine ski slopes in the future.